Projects are an important tool for me to facilitate the uptake of my research by operational end users and to deepen my understanding of the needs of a wide range of clients both nationally and internationally. I am particularly interested in the process of building capacity in developing countries and in understanding how to deploy appropriate technology to a range of end users

Feasibility study for using network of X-Band radars for landslide warning system in Sri Lanka
Year 2022
Location Colombo, Sri Lanka
Client World Bank Group
Description Assisted the National Building Research Organization (NBRO) in assessing appropriate technologies to monitor and forecast convective rainfall events that are the principal cause of landslides in Sri Lanka
Position Held Subject Matter Expert on radar rainfall estimation and forecasting
Activities Performed Liaised with NBRO and WBG staff to provide guidance on the feasibility of establishing a radar network operated by NBRO taking in account the optimization of radar for NBRO’s application, the human resources required to operate the radar network, the training required for existing staff and the potential gaps that would need to be filled with the addition of new staff. Reported to the World Bank task team
Flood warning for Vietnam
Year 2015
Location Hanoi, Vietnam
Client Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam
Description As part of the bilateral agreement between Vietnam and Australia, the Bureau of Meteorology assisted MONRE with developing a plan to upgrade the flood warning service in Vietnam
Position Held Subject Matter Expert on radar rainfall estimation
Activities Performed Reviewed the weather radar systems used by MONRE, visited the radar sites, interviewed radar engineers, visited the Hanoi office and regional flood warning offices, and developed a road map for strengthening the systems so that they could be used quantitatively for flood warning
Smart Water Fund Trial Nowcasting Project
Year 2013-15
Location Melbourne, Australia
Client Smart Water Fund, Victoria State Government
Description Customized real-time data feed of radar rainfall estimates and forecasts delivered to Victorian water agencies for use in their operations
Position Held Lead Scientist
Activities Performed Led the customer workshops determine the products that would best fit their needs, led the workshops on evaluating the customized products that were being developed, visited the Water Agencies and ran training workshops, supervised the development of the dashboard
Link to more information Nowcast Data Trial
Stochastic simulation of space-time rainfall patterns for the Brisbane River catchment
Year 2013-14
Location Melbourne, Australia
Client Sinclair Knight Merz, Consulting Engineers
Description Developed a stochastic space-time multiplicative cascade model to generate ensembles of synthetic rainfall conditioned on historical extreme storms for use by SKM in a study to optimize the operating rules for the Wivenhoe Dam
Position Held Lead Scientist
Activities Performed Developed the algorithms to analyse the field properties of historical extreme storms (advection, scaling properties, probability distribution), modified STEPS to use these parameters to generate stochastic ensembles of extreme storms, reviewed the results with the client, and presented the results at workshops
Publications Stochastic simulation of space-time rainfall patterns for the Brisbane river catchment
Sydney 2014 Forecast Demonstration Project
Year 2013-14
Location Sydney, Australia
Client Bureau of Meteorology
Description Demonstrated the use of 1.5 km convection allowing NWP and advanced radar nowcasting products for convective weather forecasting
Position Held Lead Scientist
Activities Performed I initiated the project; contributed to writing the Business Case, managed the technical aspects of the preparations, and went to Sydney to lead the 10-week real-time trial
Publications Forecasting Demonstration Project - Sydney 2014
Cities as Water Supply Catchments: Urban rainfall in a changing climate
Year 2012-16
Location Melbourne, Australia
Client CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Description School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University, developed a model to generate a 100-member ensemble of 10 years of rainfall for 250 km city domains at 5-min, 2 km resolution using STEPS to down-scale GCM rainfall
Position Held Technical Supervisor
Activities Performed Provided technical supervision of the Monash University scientist, provided the source code for STEPS and advised on how it should be modified, advised on the development of the algorithms to condition the stochastic fields on GCM data
Publications Stochastic_Space-Time Downscaling of Rainfall Using Event-Based Multiplicative Cascade_Simulations
A Multiplicative Cascade Model for High-Resolution Space-Time Downscaling of Rainfall
World Expo Nowcasting Services (WENS) Demonstration Project
Year 2009-10
Location Shanghai, China
Client WMO
Description Delivered weather forecasting services to support the Shanghai World EXPO 2010 event
Position Held Member International Science Steering Committee, Lead scientist of the radar rainfall estimation and forecasting system
Activities Performed Participated in Committee Meetings, deployed the Bureau weather radar rainfall estimation and forecasting software in Shanghai, assisted with training the local forecasters, assisted with real-time operations during the EXPO
Link to more information Final Review Meeting for World Expo 2010 Nowcasting Services
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Forecast Demonstration Project
Year 2006-8
Location Beijing, China
Client World Weather Research Programme, WMO
Description Delivered weather forecasting services to support the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, demonstrated 11 state-of-the-art nowcasting systems using the same input data
Position Held Member International Science Steering Committee, Lead scientist for the BoM Rainfields and STEPS systems
Activities Performed Deployed the BoM weather radar rainfall estimation and forecasting software in Beijing, assisted with training the local forecasters, assisted with real-time operations during the Games, co-authored papers on the results
Link to more information Wilson et al. 2010, Nowcasting challenges during Beijing Olympics..., Weather and Forecasting
Flood warning for the Punjab basin
Year 2000
Location Lahore, Pakistan
Client Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands
Description Provided consulting advice on the use of weather radar systems for a flood warning system in the Punjab Basin
Position Held Subject Matter Expert on radar rainfall estimation
Activities Performed Reviewed the weather radar systems used by the Pakistan Meteorological Service, visited the radar sites, interviewed radar engineers, and developed a road map for strengthening the systems so that they could be used quantitatively for flood warning
Sydney 2000 Forecast Demonstration Project
Year 1998-2000
Location Sydney, Australia
Client World Weather Research Programme, WMO
Description Provided rainfall nowcasting services to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and demonstrated the use of nowcasting systems for high-impact convective weather
Position Held Subject Matter Expert on radar rainfall estimation and nowcasting
Activities Performed Developed and deployed the first version of rainfields, a radar rainfall estimation system, and SPROG, the first version of what was to become STEPS, provided training on the use of the systems to forecasters and WMO trainees, evaluated the performance of the algorithms and co-authored papers with the results
Publications The Nowcasting of Precipitation during Sydney 2000 An Appraisal of the QPF Algorithms
Sydney 2000 Forecast Demonstration Project Convective Storm Nowcasting
Turkey Emergency Flood and Earthquake Recovery Project
Year 1999
Location Ankara, Turkey
Client Turkish State Meteorological Works (DMI)
Description The Bureau of Meteorology was contracted by DMI to draw up the necessary tender documents for a weather radar network and flood warning system for Turkey
Position Held Subject Matter Expert on radar rainfall estimation
Activities Performed Designed the weather radar network that would be able to provide the rainfall data required for a flood warning system. I selected the sites, including visiting each location, and in consultation with DMI drew up the tender specification for the radars